Spipnach RavioliPreparation time : 50 mins. | Serves 8-10 ravioli

This Spinach Ravioli recipe is prepared with spinach pasta pockets along with rich stuffing of spinach and cheese. These raviolis gives good taste when served with its typical tomato sauce or white sauce. You may also use rolling pin to flat the dough if you don’t have pasta maker.


For Spinach Pasta Dough:

2 eggs
100 gm blanched spinach
¼ tsp salt
1½ flour

For Stuffing:

4 cup fresh spinach (chopped and blanched)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic (minced)
¼ cup finely chopped green onion
½ tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
Pinch of ground nutmeg
4 oz ricotta cheese
¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


1. To prepare pasta dough, blend together eggs, blanched spinach with salt till become smooth.
2. Mix it with flour and make hard but smooth dough, it takes bit of time and effort like pizza dough.
3. Using your pasta machine, dust the dough with extra flour and then pass it first time by the very first flat segment to make the dough flat then pass it to the second flat segment to make it more thin. Similarly repeat the process for 2-3 times.
4. Now divide the rolled dough into square pieces as much as possible and set aside.
5. To prepare filling, heat oil in a skillet and saute onion for just to make it soft.
6. Now add spinach and garlic and cook for just 1-2 mins. then remove from the heat.
7. Add in salt, nutmeg and black pepper. Transfer the mixture into the strainer and let drain for several mins.
8. After that mix spinach with ricotta and Parmesan cheeses, and adjust seasoning. Place this mixture in refrigerator before using. Then make small round balls of lemon size just before stuffing.
9. Now take a single square piece of prepared spinach pasta dough, brush its corners with egg white and place a ball of spinach and ricotta stuffing at the center. Cover the stuffing with another square piece and press its sides with forks. Similarly prepare rest of the ravioli.
10. Put the prepared spinach ravioli into the boiling water and cook for 5-8 mins. till the rise onto the surface of water. Then drain all the water and serve the delicious spinach ravioli with your favorite sauce.

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