Garlic SteakPreparation time : 20 min | Serves 4 persons

This garlic steak recipe is prepared with white kidney beans which is quite unusual because this type of steak is generally served with small red potatoes cooked with steaks. You can also add cherry tomatoes to give it colorful look and make it appealing to eat.


12 cloves garlic (minced)
1 cup white kidney beans
Seasoning of salt and pepper to taste
24 oz boneless beef rib eye or beef strip steaks
2 tbsp olive oil
Fresh oregano and parsley for garnishing


1. Season steak with salt and pepper.
2. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in skillet and cook steaks for 10-15 min until reach the desired cooking level. (for rib eye it would take 8 min for each side to cook while strip steaks can be cooked in half time)
3. After that add remaining oil and cook steaks with kidney beans for just 5-8 min and add seasoning of salt and pepper accordingly.
4. Transfer the hot garlic steaks and kidney beans on a serving platter and sprinkle with fresh oregano and parsley.

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