stuffed french toastPreparation time : 15 min. | Serves 8 pieces

This Stuffed French Toast Recipe is inspired from the IHOP Recipes. This recipe is prepared with banana stuffing with nuts.


4 thick Italian bread slices crust
2 large ripe bananas
¼ cup chopped pecans
4 tbsp honey
2 eggs
½ cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Cut each bread slice diagonally and then horizontally cut 3-inch pocket shape from center, make sure that edges should remain joined otherwise stuffing may come outside which looks bad for serving.
2. Cut each banana into 3-inch long shape and then mix with chopped pecans and honey.
3. Fill the banana stuffing in each pocket bread and set aside.
4. Heat butter on the griddle.
5. Whisk together milk, egg and vanilla, dip each stuffed bread slice in the egg mixture and then fry on the preheated griddle for just 3-4 min until become golden brown from each side.

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