Watermelon PiePreparation time: 10 mins. | Serves 8 persons

This Watermelon Pie Recipe is a quick and easy-to-make no-bake pie. It is prepared with the whipped cream topping, so the texture is fully creamy. It is one of the favorite summer desserts, which needs little or no effort to make.


3 oz watermelon gelatin or any red gelatin
¼ cup boiling water
12 oz frozen whipped topping (thawed)
2 cups cubed seeded watermelon
9-inch graham cracker crust


1. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water.
2. In a mixing bowl combine whipped topping, and gelatin and mix them well.
3. Now fold the mixture into watermelon cubes and set aside.
4. Take a 9-inch pie dish, place the graham cracker crust on it, and then pour the prepared watermelon pie filling onto the crust. Refrigerate for at least 4 hrs. or overnight for best results.
5. Delicious creamy watermelon pie is now ready to serve.

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