Hot Pepper Jelly
Preparation time : 30 min. | Serves 1 medium jar


3/4 cup red or green sweet pepper (Chopped)
1/4 cup fresh jalapeno
1 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
6 cup sugar
4 oz pectin
Red or green Food Color


1. Process sweet peppers in food processor till become smooth.
2. Now transfer the processed sweet pepper in a heavy sauce pan and cook it with jalapeno, vinegar and sugar over medium heat.
3. Cook the mixture for 20 min after boiling and then mix with pectin and food color.
4. Now pour the prepared hot pepper jelly into hot sterilized jars and store in a cool, dark place.
5. You can use it with bread, buns or even make cracker sandwich like shown in photo above.

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