Cake-AlaskaPreparation time : 50 min. | Serves 6 persons

This cake alaska is slightly different from baked alaska, in this particular recipe the topping is done with plain melted chocolate and whipped cream while ice cream is filled inside just like you do for cream cake. Thus don’t require any kind of extra baking as in generally baked alaska recipe you do which is also quite lengthy. This is quite similar to cream cake except filling and toping.

Ingredients :

8 oz butter
8 oz sugar
6 oz flour
2 oz cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 eggs
4 tbsp cooking chocolate (melted)
4 tbsp Milk
Vanilla ice cream for filling
Whipped cream for topping


1. In a mixing bowl cream together butter and sugar, till light and fluffy.
2. Sift together dry ingredients including flour, cornflour and baking powder.
3. Add eggs to the butter sugar mixture one by one in such a way that after adding each egg, add 1 tbsp of dry mixture and keep mixing till uniform fluffy batter would form.
4. In the end mix with milk and then transfer it into the greased baking pan. Place the pan in oven and bake for 30 mins. at 350 degrees F.
5. After that take it out from oven and cool it to room temperature. Then divide it into two pieces horizontally.
6. Over the bottom piece of the cake spread vanilla ice cream and then cover with top cake piece. Drizzle chocolate sauce from the top so that it would spread everywhere and then top with cream.
7. Serve the cake alaska immediately before the ice cream melt.

photo source : 1