Preparation time : 20 mins + Refrigeration time | Serves 4 persons
This is homemade coffee custard recipe which you can easily prepare at home. In this recipe you can use half and half of milk and cream mixture instead of putting them separately. This coffee custard can be used to prepare different delicious desserts like pies, fruit custard, etc.
6 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup cream
2 tspn instant coffee
1. In a mixing bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar to make a smooth paste.
2. In a sauce pan put milk and cream together and simmer for 3-4 minutes.
3. Now remove the pan from stove and let it cool by stirring when it gets the room temperature gradually add to the yolk mixture and mix well using whisk.
4. When the mixture becomes creamy and smooth pour it to sauce pan add coffee and simmer for at least 4 minutes until the batter becomes thick like custard. keep stirring while simmering so that lumps would not form.
5. After that pour the custard into a bowl and refrigerate to cool for 3-4 hours.